Nozzle Gasket Od. 47 x Id. 24 x T=9.5mm Mat: Silicon
Nozzle Gasket Specifications Od. 47 x Id. 24 x T=9.5mm Mat: Silicon
We accept manufacturing for all industrial needs products. And one of them is that we sell Nozzle Gaskets in Od size. 47 x Id. 24 x H=9.5
The function and workings of this gasket is as a guard, starting from guarding compression, guarding against the risk of leaks, to guarding combustion, so that all these processes can be carried out perfectly.
Then silicone rubber is also the rubber that has the best resistance to high and low temperatures.
We accept manufacturing for all industrial needs products. The products we make can be tailored to your needs (customize), both in terms of shape (type), size (dimensions), type of material, level of hardness (hardness), and in terms of the number of orders (quantity).
Apart from using silicone rubber material, there are several other types of material that we produce, such as rubber material, which we produce, namely: NBR, NR, EPDM, HYPALON, SILICONE, VITON, POLYURETHANE, ETC.
We also provide various kinds of other rubber products.
For further information regarding prices and products, please contact us.